Important Information
1. The scheme is held in the Pavilion at the King George V playing fields, Station Road, Plumpton and sessions run from 9.00am until 3.00pm. Please note that we can accept no responsibility for your children before 9am and after 3.00pm. If your child cannot attend the scheme on the day booked you must telephone the Activity Scheme (mobile: 07598 767 537) before 9.00am on that day.
2. Due to Safeguarding regulations we cannot allow any parent to stay with their child for the whole duration of the session. (unless with the Activity Schemes prior consent).
3. All children must be signed in to Activity Scheme by you or your authorised representative and children will not be allowed to leave the scheme during the day unless collected by you or your authorised representative. You will be asked to provide a security password to be used in the event that your child is being collected by someone unknown to the staff.
4. You may give consent for children over 8 to sign themselves out at the end of the day.
5. If your child needs medication please discuss with the Play Leader. Any medication must be handed to the Play Leader and clearly labelled with your child’s name and the dosage required. In consideration to the well being of other children, please do not bring your child to the scheme if they have been ill with sickness or diarrhoea in the previous 48 hours.
6. Children should dress in appropriate (not best) clothes and bring a packed lunch (no nuts please). Each child must bring their own water bottle, clearly labelled with their name. Sun hats and sunscreen (named) must be brought and worn.
7. For some activities children may need to bring special clothing or equipment – if so this will be indicated on the programme.
8. We expect your child to behave responsibly and draw your attention to our policies regarding behaviour, equality, diversity & inclusion, and anti-bullying. All our policies are displayed at the activity scheme and on our website If you have any concerns about your child or the scheme please speak to the Play Leader on the day.
9. We welcome children of all abilities and will try as far as possible to cater for any special additional needs. To help us do this we request that you contact us via email - well in advance if your child will require any special support to participate in the activities or if there are any issues that the play leaders should be aware of. We can then plan accordingly and ensure that our arrangements are appropriate.